A Huge Success! 🇵🇷
Congratulations to ABADÁ in Porto Rico students and graduados who changed graduation this year. Our complements to Instrutor Pixaim and his students for putting a great event in Puerto Rico!
The event participants was honored to have all workshops and graduation ceremony lead by Mestrando Bode, from Brazil, from capoeira classes to preschoolers all the way to adults. The besides the great trainings we had an amazing energy on the graduation ceremony. Obrigada!
Also, from Brazil, we had the pleasure to have present Professor Ferrugem as the Special Guest Professor to support the event, which he did beautifully, transmiting the capoeira spirit wherever he was.
Professor Pastor from Brooklyn, NYC was also present to train and contribute.
Great Job! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Instrutor Baiano, from Germany 🇩🇪
Instrutora Bombom, from Brazil 🇧🇷
It is always a pleasure working with you all!
Thanks for the invitation, Instrutor Pixaim.
Instrutora Ciranda has been supporting this event and celebrating the growth of Capoeira in the Caribbean for several Batizados. Seeing his students step into the roda, earn their cords, and embrace the spirit of Capoeira is truly inspiring.
Parabéns to everyone who participated—you are keeping the movement alive and strong!