Obrigado to all our Teachers, Guests & Volunteers!

A massive thank you to our Honored Guests Mestra Márcia “Cigarra,” Mestra Edna, as well as our special Honored Guest Mestrando Mobília for their participation in our annual Batizado and Workshops.

We also want to extend our gratitude to our Special Guests Mestranda Yara and Mestrando Arpoador for all their help. Also, we want to especially thank all our volunteers and all the Professores, Instrutores, and Graduados who traveled from Brazil, Germany, New York, Washington DC, Utah, Canada, Mexico and San Francisco to be with us.

Your presence and support was so critical and we could not have done this without any of you!!

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Abadá Marin

Capoeira instruction, performances and related social projects to benefit the Marin County Community.

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Office: 415 578 2726

Mobile: 415 420 9350

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