Two New Really Cool Fitness Classes at the Studio!
Free to All Members
Get in shape with Professor Prego.
Mondays 6:30 - 7:30 pm
Two New Really Cool Fitness Classes at the Studio!
Free to All Members
Get in shape with Professor Prego.
Mondays 6:30 - 7:30 pm
42 Greenfield Avenue in San Anselmo, CA
We now have a new home dedicated to capoeira.
A place to share and develop this incredible, diverse martial art with our community.
A place where people get together to learn and help each other grow as artists and as humans.
A place where new capoeiristas are going to learn the first gingas, rasteiras and golpes.
A place where amazing capoeiristas will thrill us with their skills and teach us what they know.
A place where creative freedom, respect and cooperation is valued.
A place where we will learn inner peace, strength and resilience.
A place where two players of any level or background can work together to build a beautiful game.
A place where you leave your troubles at the front door and leave to find them lessened.
A place of music, singing and dance.
A place where you will sweat your A. off and get stronger each time.
A place where community matters.
A place where we, together, will experience that same magical and mystical energy that can only be found in capoeira, thereby connecting to all capoeiristas all over the world, both now and over the past 500 years.
from: 2pm to 3pm
Dear Members, Families and Friends
We are proud to announce that we will be opening our new studio at 2pm on April 2, 2002 with a Grand Opening Roda led by Mestra Marcia Cigarra. From April 2, 2022 forward all classes will take place at 42 Greenfield Ave., San Anselmo, Ca 94960. Please join us for this family-friendly event. Students of all ages are invited to participate.
As the saying goes, "It takes a village..." We want to express our profound gratitude to all of you for all your effort and support in helping us open our new studio. Thanks to all of you, we made it!
Our new studio will offer expanded programing, including
Mask policy: Presently, there is no local masking mandate in Marin County. California masking guidelines require masks only on public transit, health care settings, long-term care facilities, homeless shelters, correctional facilities and detention centers. Masks are strongly recommended in crowded environments or indoors at private gatherings where vaccination status cannot be confirmed.
Based on input from our members, our initial mask policy in our studio will be as follows:
All children under 5 years old should wear masks. Anyone who wants to wear a mask at our studio may do so. All persons 5 years or older who wish to enter our new facility without a mask must provide proof of vaccination (either photos of a vaccination card or digital equivalent) before entering. As such, we urge all of our members over 5 years old to email us a copy of your vaccination card or digital equivalent to We will then add you to our list. Anyone who cannot show proof of vaccination must wear a mask. Please stay home, get tested and follow CDC guidelines if you experience any symptoms of COVID 19.
We cannot wait to make this journey with you!
Professor Prego & Instrutora Ciranda
ABADÁ-Capoeira Marin
At the most recent ABADÁ International Games, Instrutora Ciranda won First Place, Categoria Baobá. She also also best São Bento Grande and Iuna Online Games in the Baobá category.
Instrutora Ciranda would like to thank Mestre Camisa for the opportunity to compete and all the work that he and the staff did to make the Jogos Mundias such a spectacular event. She also would like to give special thanks to Mestre Cobra, Mestre Charm, Mestra Marcia Cigarra, Mestrando Arpoador, Professora Yara, Professor Prego, Professor Ferrugem e Professora Iguana for all their guidance, help and support.
Instrutora Ciranda would also like to congratulate Boabá finalists Professora Russa, Instrutora Xanda and Instrutor Jabuti.
Capoeira instruction, performances and related social projects to benefit the Marin County Community.
Copyright 2025 ABADÁ-Capoeira Marin © All Rights Reserved | Developed by Artspeace Design