Mestrando Pretinho (Luiz Carlos Rocha) was born on February 9, 1974, in Rio de Janeiro. 


He was nicknamed Pretinho by a nurse on the day of his birth based on his dark skin tone as a baby. Since that first fateful day, Luiz Carlos has always been affectionately known as “Pretinho.” 


His older brother Ruberlei, known as "Bilei" introduced "Pretinho" to formal capoeira instructions, after Pretinho begun capoeira at the age of nine in his neighborhood. Soon after that, Pretinho started training in "Rodas" with "Mestre Boa Viagem." 


Mestrando Pretinho joined ABADÁ Capoeira in 1997. At his first Batizado with ABADÁ, he was awarded a blue cord. He stayed at that same cord level for eight years. During this time he started teaching capoeira classes in the São Francisco de Assis neighborhood, at APAE (Associação de Pais e Amigos dos Excepcionais), and at the Maria do Céu School.  


 In addition to his skills as an instructor of both capoeira and self-defense, Mestrando Pretinho is an internationally renowned singer, songwriter, and musician. He is a former Champion of the ABADÁ Brazilian games, and several of his students have won national and international ABADÁ capoeira titles. Mestre Camisa awarded Mestrando Pretinho the prestigious title of Mestrando in 2017. For twenty-four years in the city of Barra Mansa, Pretinho’s ABADÁ Capoeira school has worked to raise cultural and social awareness and promote both social integration and the importance of showing respect for others. 


We are truly honored to receive Mestrando Pretinho from June 5-7, 2020, in our beautiful Marin County.


Professor Diego and Instrutora Lisa love his work and energy!


To listen to Mestrando Pretinho's singing, click here!