
YOUTH CAPOEIRA ages 6-7 and 8-13 (MWCC)

Marinwood Community Center (MWCC)

Capoeira (pronounced ka-oo-eyh-da) is an AFRO-Brazilian martial art form that incorporated acrobatics, dance, percussion and songs in a rhythmic dialogue of body, mind and spirit. It is a communal game in which two opponents play each other inside a circle, formed by other players who create rhythm for the game by clapping, singing and playing traditional handmade instruments. The class will teach basic capoeira techniques and music including traditional instruments and songs in Portuguese. We use games and exercises that develop physical and social capacities.

Ages 5-7 emphasize cooperation, spatial awareness and basic physical skills. Students begin to learn acrobatics movements and improve balance and coordination of the arms and legs.

Ages 8-12 classes focus on skill building, leadership, strength, agility, flexibility and endurance. Students begin to learn more complex acrobatics and sequences.


(415) 479-0775
(415) 479-7751

Classes Sessions

Wednesday: 3:00PM-3:45PM (6-7 year)
Wednesday: 3:50pm-4:50pm (8-13 year)
EXCEPT DATES: 02/21, 02/28, 4/11, 4/25


775 Miller Creek Rd.
San Rafael, CA 94903-1323